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#5131: Close Helmet

Item ID 5131 For Sale No
Identifier Close_Helmet Credit Price Not For Sale
Name Close Helmet Type Armor
NPC Buy 20 Weight 120
NPC Sell 10 Weapon Level 0
Range 0 Defense 8
Slots 0 Refineable Yes
Attack 0 Min Equip Level 75
Max Equip Level None
Equip Locations Upper Headgear
Equip Upper None
Equippable Jobs Swordman / Knight / Crusader
Equip Gender Both (Male and Female)
Trade restriction None
Description An iron mask that covers the whole face. By covering the whole face, it can protect the wearer from critical attacks. It helps to improve defense.
Vit +3
MaxHP +3%
Class: Headgear
Defense: 8
Position: Upper
Weight: 120
Level Requirement: 75
Jobs: Swordman