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#2792: Ring of Flame Lord

Item ID 2792 For Sale No
Identifier Ring_Of_Flame_Lord_I Credit Price Not For Sale
Name Ring of Flame Lord Type Armor
NPC Buy 0 Weight 0
NPC Sell 0 Weapon Level 0
Range 0 Defense 0
Slots 0 Refineable No
Attack 0 Min Equip Level None
Max Equip Level None
Equip Locations Accessory Left/Right
Equip Upper Upper
Equippable Jobs Knight / Priest / Wizard / Blacksmith / Hunter / Assassin / Crusader / Monk / Sage / Rogue / Alchemist / Bard / Dancer / Star Gladiator / Soul Linker / Buccaneer / Daimyo / Draconier / Esper / Kagerou / Oboro / Macabre / Mercenary / Mystic / Necromancer / Phalanx / Revenant / Ronin / Viking
Equip Gender Both (Male and Female)
Trade restriction None
Description The power of a fire spirit king resides in this ring. The power of the spirit flows through you when you equip this ring.
It can be paired with the Ring of Resonance.
Str +2, Vit +1, ATK +15.
Increases resistance to Fire Element by 10%.
Has low chance of auto casting All kind of Skills when attacking.
[+ Ring of Resonance]
The chance of auto casting increases.
Class: Accessory
Defense: 0
Weight: 0
Jobs: Rebirth 2nd Class or above