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#2398: Sniping Suit

Item ID 2398 For Sale No
Identifier Sniping_Suit_M Credit Price Not For Sale
Name Sniping Suit Type Armor
NPC Buy 20 Weight 75
NPC Sell 10 Weapon Level 0
Range 0 Defense 5
Slots 1 Refineable Yes
Attack 0 Min Equip Level 50
Max Equip Level None
Equip Locations Armor
Equip Upper Upper
Equippable Jobs Hunter
Equip Gender Both (Male and Female)
Trade restriction None
Description Sniping suits helps required muscles to move effectively for shooting an arrow.
Reduces necessary time to shoot arrows and helps to achieve improved accuracy.
Mdef +5
Critical rate +6,
Increase critical rate depending on your LUK.
Reduces after-cast skill delay by 23%.
Class: Armor
Defense: 42
Weight: 75
Level Requirement: 50
Jobs: Sniper