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#1645: Lich's Bone Wand

Item ID 1645 For Sale No
Identifier Lich_Bone_Wand_M Credit Price Not For Sale
Name Lich's Bone Wand Type Weapon - Staff
NPC Buy 20 Weight 80
NPC Sell 10 Weapon Level 3
Range 1 Defense 0
Slots 2 Refineable Yes
Attack 60 Min Equip Level 70
Max Equip Level None
Equip Locations Main Hand
Equip Upper Upper
Equippable Jobs Mage / Priest / Wizard / Monk / Sage / Adept / Esper / Macabre / Mystic / Necromancer / Revenant / Spiriter
Equip Gender Both (Male and Female)
Trade restriction None
Description A staff created with a skull of a powerful Lich. The curse eminating from this staff will threaten to all those who dare to threaten the wielder of this staff.
Matk +20%, Int +1, Dex +1
Whenever you take a Physical Damage, small chance to cause Curse status ailment to every enemies in the screen. This chance is increased depending on the refinement rate of this weapon.
[Refined to +9]
You will receive bonus Matk +3%, MaxSP +300.
Class: One-Handed Staff
Attack: 60
Weight: 80
Element: Undead
Weapon Level: 3
Level Requirement: 70
Jobs: Transcendent Mage and Acolyte