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#15417: Armor of Purple Thread

Item ID 15417 For Sale No
Identifier Armor_of_Purple_Thread Credit Price Not For Sale
Name Armor of Purple Thread Type Armor
NPC Buy 42,000 Weight 200
NPC Sell 21,000 Weapon Level 0
Range 0 Defense 8
Slots 1 Refineable Yes
Attack 0 Min Equip Level 70
Max Equip Level None
Equip Locations Armor
Equip Upper None
Equippable Jobs Swordman / Knight / Crusader / Asatro / Daimyo / Draconier / Phalanx / Ronin / Samurai / Spearman / Ulfur / Valmeyjar / Wildseed
Equip Gender Both (Male and Female)
Trade restriction None
Description Armor worn by a bold and righteous warrior who was later praised as a god of war.
Reduces damage taken from Fire element attacks by 1% for each Refine.
Samurai Class:
ATK +20
Perfect HIT +10
Refine Level +8 and Samurai Class:
ATK +30
Perfect HIT +10
Type: Armor
Defense: 8
Element: Earth
Weight: 200
Base Level 70
Asatro, Swordman, Samurai, Spearman and Wildseed

Armor of Purple Thread Dropped By

Monster ID Monster Name Armor of Purple Thread Drop Chance Can be stealed Monster Level Monster Race Monster Element
3957 Lavender 0.05% Yes 63 Plant Level 3 Poison